
Friday, December 20, 2013

Sport Weight Pattern Suggestions

Howdy! Today I'm happy to introduce the newest base to the Storied Yarns lineup: Storied Yarns BFL Sport! It's a 100% Superwash BFL skein and it comes in at 100g and 278 yards for $25.

Here's a picture of this base, all dyed up and ready to ship in the shop, in my "Ron Weasley" colorway:

I've got a few pattern recommendations for this yarn, so sit back and get ready to browse!
First up, socks! Sport weight yarn is slightly thicker than traditional sock yarns, making it great for warm, thicker socks or for gift-sock knitting (because it goes faster, ha!). Here are a few great sock patterns for sport weight yarns:

Boot Socks - Find on Ravelry
Kalajoki - find it on Ravelry

If socks aren't your thing, 'tis the season for hats, to be sure! Here are some adorable hat patterns (I think that first one is especially fitting for the colorway that's in stock right now!):

Hermione Hearts Ron - on Ravelry

Mel Ski's Drizzle - on Ravelry
Simple - but lovely! - on Ravelry

I'm a sucker for fingerless mitts any time of the year, so here are some of my favorite mitt patterns that I think would work out really well in this yarn:

Siren Sleeves - on Ravelry

Fallberry Mitts - free on Ravelry

And last but not least, a few more patterns just for fun:

Elk Tooth Shawl - on Ravelry

Summer Days - on Ravelry

Well, that's it from me! Be sure you check out the shop - I've done the final update of 2013 so there are lovely new skeins in store for you:

Thanks so much for a fabulous year! I'll see you back here soon with previews of the first update of 2014!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Get Away with Me

Hold onto your hats, I'm actually blogging! I'm sorry I've been away for so long. I've got some exciting new things planned for Storied Yarns in 2014, but before I get to all that I've got an exciting announcement!

I'm having a retreat again this year, yay!!!! This time I've teamed up with two ahh-mazing ladies: Dana & Brittany of the Just One More Row podcast. The three of us are planning and plotting to bring you a retreat that's full of awesome!

A view of the gorgeous Lake Frances
Here are the details:
Where: This year the retreat will be at the gorgeous Lake Frances Retreat Center in Crossville, TN. We'll be staying in awesome cabins so you won't have to share a bathroom with more than 4 people (unless you're part of a large group and you request that arrangement). The retreat center boasts a gorgeous lake, a peaceful setting and so many fun activities! We'll have nightly campfires, beach volleyball, corn hole, nature walks, a ropes course for anyone who's interested, karaoke and - of course - plenty of time for knitting, spinning, chatting and eating! The meals will be fully catered this time and we'll have snacks on hand for in between meals.
When: The retreat will happen May 16-18, 2014.
Cost: The cost is $170 which covers all your food, lodging, activities and goodies for the entire weekend (dinner Friday through breakfast Sunday).

The open-air building where we'll spend our time spinning and knitting!
We're planning to have informal mini-lessons in topics you'll love, so there will be time to learn new things without the pressure and structure of formal classes. We're also going to have a vendor marketplace and we've lined up some FABULOUS vendors for you - you're going to squeee!!! with delight when I'm able to announce them, I promise! We're also working to contract with two massage therapists to give massages by appointment over the weekend. It'll be like going to a spa with yarn!

The path to the cabins

I hope you'll join us for a wonderful weekend of relaxing and fibery fun! Check out our Into the Wool Ravelry group for all the details, including a link to the sign-up form and a list of FAQs.