
Friday, October 28, 2011

Fiber Arts Friday: Blogs I Love

So, all of my fiber arts stuff is packed up in suitcases right now in preparation to travel with me to Fiber in the Boro tomorrow. I'm vending at my first-ever fiber festival, wahoo!!

Since I don't have anything fiber artsy to show you, I thought I'd take a minute to share some blog love today instead.

I read a lot of blogs. I find it really inspiring to read blogs about what other people are crafting. I've discovered in the past few years that you can learn how to do virtually anything if you Google it, and blogs are a great resource for tutorials, patterns and general crafty inspiration. Here are some of the crafty blogs I love and why:

- Sew, Mama, Sew!
This blog is full of sewing inspiration, as the name implies. Right now I'm participating in a holiday decor sew-along through this blog, where I'm horribly behind in making a table runner and a Christmas tree skirt. I'm hoping to get back on track with those projects after the festival. In addition to sew-alongs, the SMS blog features links to sewing patterns and tutorials as well as a wealth of in-house tutorials and guest posts. It's a really great blog for beginning to advanced seamstresses.

- Pink Chalk Fabric Studio
I first discovered this blog because of Fat Quarter Tuesday; every Tuesday the ladies at the studio put together two sets of fat quarters and give them away, which is pretty awesome, right?!? They also do sew-alongs; right now they're sewing through all of the projects in One-Yard Wonders, which is great for me because I own that book so it can be really helpful to see a more experienced seamstress tackle the projects before I try them. There are also tutorials and posts about new fabric trends and patterns, which I love.

- Made (aka Dana Made It)
This blog is full of great tutorials, too, especially ones for kids' clothing and projects. I really love the clean look of the blog and even though I've only been reading it for a little while, I really enjoy it.

- I Still Love You
This is another mostly new blog for me, but I really enjoy the crafty tips and tutorials. She includes great refashion/upcycled fashion projects, too, which is something that's right up my alley.

- What I Made
Um, wow. This guy is amazing. I mostly don't try to re-create his projects because they seem really complicated, though I know usually they're not. I just love to see what he comes up with, because it's always really individual and amazing.

- Prudent Baby
I love Jaime and Jacinda over at Prudent Baby! They're two moms who admit that sometimes life feels like a hot mess, but that doesn't mean you have to LOOK like it! They have great tutorials for sewing projects and patterns, kids' crafts, gift ideas, recipes and more. They link to other amazing blogs and projects and they really connect well with today's modern mommies.

- Wee Essentials
This blog is owned by Candice, the owner of Wee Essentials and also my friend. She has some great information about eco-friendly living, taking care of your home/family and green products.

As for fiber arts blogs, here are a few I enjoy:

- Liberty's Yarn
I first "met" Liberty through Twitter, where she posted a call to fiber artists to join her for a series of interviews. I enjoyed my interview with her immensely, and if you're a regular visitor here then you know I interviewed her as well. This week she interviewed our very own Andrea of Wonder Why Alpacas, so that was awesome! I also love following Liberty on Twitter because she posts some really awesome and helpful links for crafty business owners.

- Who Needs Gauge
This blog belongs to my friend Steph, who comes up with really creative and fun projects for her kids. The posts she creates aren't exclusively related to fiber arts but it fits in well with her title and she does post plenty of things about knitting, too!

- Adventures in Wool
This is the blog of Johanna, aka Ever Improving Me on Etsy/Artfire/Ravelry. Johanna posts her shop updates here and other information that can be helpful for fiber artists!

- KnitFiber
This is my friend Carrie, who uses her blog to showcase her great fiber arts projects.

- Wonder Why Alpaca Farm
Of course! Our fearless Fiber Arts Friday leader always has something fun and interesting to share with us, doesn't she? I'm so glad I found Fiber Arts Friday and Andrea's blog, because I really enjoy sharing her creative journey through the blog.

I feel like I should have more fiber arts-related blogs that I read regularly. If you have a fiber arts blog or a favorite blog you read, please leave me a comment so I can come and visit! I regularly visit the other FAF contributors but I don't often remember to check their blogs the other days of the week. Leave me a comment to tell me why I should make a note of that! :)

When you're finished, head on over to Andrea's place and link up with the rest of the Fiber Arts Friday fun!


  1. Wow, thanks for all the blog referrals, I will definitely be checking them out, good luck at your show!

  2. Ooo thanks for this list and all of your comments. I think I already follow more blogs than I can conceivably keep up with, but I always love more crafty inspiration.

    I've just recently decided to get blogging again and started participating in FAF. I highly recommend my recent post on Trindles (, my (current) most favorite fiber tool.

    There are a ton of blogs that I read and could recomend but I'm going to try and limit myself. Alice at is quite awesome. And while its actually a photography blog, not crafts, I think that is just the most amazing, inspiring, and uplifting places out there.

  3. Thank you for the list. Good Luck this weekend!

  4. Good luck at your first show! (I'm vending at my first one next weekend - anxiety already)
    Thanks for the blog links - always looking for more good reads.

  5. Great list of fibery blogs. I really enjoy our FAF community, it's my Friday treat :-)

  6. Cool blogs, many thanks for saying hi on my blog, cheers Marie

  7. Thanks for the links, one can never have too many blogs in the old Bloglines. Sew, Mama, Sew is one of my favs. You should check out, she's an amazing photog and has some beautiful crafty stuff too. I agree What I Made looks pretty awesome. Off to check them all out...

  8. It is fun to find a relationship with reading a blog. I've come to know so many amazing people this way.

  9. Good luck at your off to check out some of the blogs you listed.

  10. I hope you have a wildly successful show this weekend! Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog, too! XXO-

  11. Great list of blogs, you have to love the internet and all that you can find therein.

  12. Hi Jess, it's great to have my blog included amongst those you enjoy to read. I hope you have a great time at the finer festival - and make lots of sales! Scott:)
