
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2012: A Sweater Odyssey

Hahahahaha, I crack myself up. ;)

Anyway, seriously. In 2012 I WILL KNIT A SWEATER!!!!!!

There, I've said it. All bold and stuff, and even with all caps. That means I have to do it!

Sometimes, I need accountability for things. I have wanted to knit myself a sweater for, well, pretty much as long as I've been a knitter. And yet I've never done it! This must be remedied.

This year I'm going to knit a sweater. I'm even going to spin the fiber to make into yarn to knit the sweater! See? I've got the fiber right here:

Those lovely batts will become a 3ply yarn (another first for me, believe it or not) which will become a sweater. Of some kind. I refuse to go too far into pattern browsing until I know the yardage.

Anyway, would you like to join me? Maybe 2012 can be the year YOU knit or crochet a sweater, too! Whether it's your first sweater or your 100th, I'd love for us to share our sweater stitching progress together. I've started a thread in my Ravelry group for just this type of purpose, and there are already several people joining in and planning their sweater projects. Come join us!

There is NO requirement that you use my yarns/fibers to make your sweater. However, I am offering some pretty sweet deals if you choose to do so. For instance:
- Get 16oz of fiber for the price of 12oz
- Get 20oz of fiber for the price of 16oz
- Get 4 skeins of yarn for the price of 3 skeins
- Get 5 skeins of yarn for the price of 4 skeins

I really hope you'll stitch along with us in 2012!

Before you leave, leave me a comment! What are some of YOUR yarn-related goals for the new year?


  1. Oh, I think that's a great goal.

    I also want to knit a sweater for myself. I have a vague picture in my head for what it will look like. However there are a few things on my list first before I'm ready to make that committment.

    I'm looking forward to watching the progress. :-)

  2. I think I'll just watch from the bleachers :). But good luck with your sweater!

  3. I've had a sweater in time out for almost a year now. I really need to get it out and finish it.
