
Friday, December 16, 2011

Fiber Arts Friday: December Phat Fiber Contribution

Happy Fiber Arts Friday, everyone!!! It's almost Christmas, which of course keeps all of us makers busy, doesn't it?

If you're looking for the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway post, CLICK HERE! (If you don't know what I'm talking about, check it out - it's an amazing bundle of giveaways, including mine!)

Ok, back to Fiber Arts Friday. Today's post is brought to you by the new colorway I created for the December Phat Fiber Sampler Box:

Dragonriders of Pern!!!!!!!!!

This colorway was inspired by the dragonriders in the late, great Anne McCaffrey's novel series of the same name.

From the Weyr and from the Bowl,
Bronze and brown and blue and green,
Rise the dragonmen of Pern,
Aloft, on wing, seen, then unseen.
(from the Dragonriders of Pern series)
This month the theme for the Phat Fiber boxes is "Childhood Favorites." After the recent death of Anne McCaffrey, I had several customers contact me to tell me that she had been a favorite author during their youth and ask if I would create a colorway (or several) inspired by her works.

This colorway, a combination of bronze, brown, blue and green, is going to be the first in what I hope will be a whole series of Dragonrider colorways available in the Storied Yarns shop. Just give me time to read the rest of the books!

The holidays are approaching! I hope you take time from all the work you're doing to make them special for others to actually do something for yourself. Buy yourself a lovely skein of yarn (gee, if only I knew a fiber artist who was having a HUGE SALE), pour yourself a cup of cocoa (or a cocktail, depending on the type of day it has been and your personal preferences, HA!), give YOURSELF the gift of handmade love. You deserve it.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Blessed Yule, and all the rest!

Now head on over to Andrea's blog and visit the rest of the Fiber Arts Friday participants. :)


  1. I love that yarn. Beautiful colors together.

  2. Gorgeous colours. I had no idea that Anne McCaffrey had died. I loved her books so much and owned nearly all of them. Its lovely that you have commemorated her work this way.

  3. You've put together a really lovely combination of colors, a perfect representation! I loved those books too and I am sorry to hear that the author has passed. It's a wonderful tribute!

  4. Gorgeous! I was so sad to miss out on the December box, but my studio is under construction right now.

  5. What a beautiful new colourway!! Happy Holidays to you, too!!

  6. oooh, I love the both the roving and the yarn. Here's wishing you lots of sales.

  7. Congrats on those colorways - what great inspiration.
