
Monday, December 12, 2011

Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Day!

Thanks to everyone who entered! This giveaway is now CLOSED. The winner was ...

Andria said...
I love homespun, and would like to learn to spin and dye myself one day. I like to get the yarn in my hands before I decide what it will be, so I'm not sure just yet what I would make.

Congratulations, Andria! I'm off to e-mail you for details. :)

For everyone else, use code Giveaway to save 10% in my Storied Yarns shop now through the end of the year!

Hi there! Welcome to my little corner of the world! It's the Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Day (week, really) - one of my favorite times of the year! Visit the SMS blog for more fabulous giveaways when you leave here.

My name is Jess, and I make yarn for a living. It's a great life! Give me a minute to introduce myself and show you around; then I've got a lovely skein of yarn to give away.

I'm an indie dyer, which basically just means that I dye yarn and wool in a one-woman operation known as Storied Yarns. You can find me here on the blog, on Etsy, Facebook, Ravelry and Twitter. I hope you'll follow along with me on my many adventures! The best way to do that is to join my Ravelry group or sign up for my newsletter so you can stay up to date on crafty tutorials, giveaways, and coupon codes!

While you're here, I know you're probably just going to enter the giveaway and move on to the other great giveaway posts, and that's totally fine! I hope you'll bookmark this page and come back to it later, though, because I love having visitors! My blog is the place where I post a lot of crafty information, book reviews and more!

Find a list of free knitting patterns I offer on the right-hand sidebar. You'll also see my free crochet patterns and other crafty tutorials.

Today, the item I'm giving away is a skein of handspun yarn; this means that I literally took a bunch of wool and other fibers and I spun them on my spinning wheel (Sleeping Beauty style) to make this yarn. Here it is:

For some of you, knitting with handspun may be a regular occurrence. For those of you who are new to handspun, let me tell you why it's wonderful!

I believe that when you make something with your hands, you tell a story with that item. You carefully choose the yarn and the pattern to work together to make a gift of beauty and utility. I think that knitting with handspun yarn only adds to that story, enriching it with the tale of what the yarn used to be and what it has become. Quite literally, when you make something with this skein of yarn, it will have been made by hand every step of the way (hand dyed, hand carded, hand spun, hand knit/crocheted/woven). Isn't that amazing?!? I think it is.

In case you're new to using handspun, here's a blog post I wrote on my previous blog about the various types of handspun yarn (there are plenty more but it's a good beginning spot). Here's another post I wrote on knitting and crocheting with handspun yarn.

Would YOU like a chance to knit/crochet/weave with this lovely skein?

The Details:
"Flower Ball" handspun 2ply yarn
Colors: pinks, burgundy, light blue, light green
3.3 oz, 196 yards, worsted to bulky weight
Fiber from Jane's Urban Cottage on Etsy

If you would like to enter to win this giveaway, please answer any or all of the following questions in a comment below:
- Have you used handspun yarn before?
- What are your thoughts on using handspun yarn?
- What do you think you might make with this yarn?

Only ONE entry per person, please! I will leave the giveaway post open until 5pm PST on December 16. Please leave your e-mail address in your comment so I can contact you if you win! I will open this contest to anyone in the US or around the world.

Thanks for visiting my blog - I hope you'll come back again soon!

Visit Storied Yarns today for all your yarn and fiber needs - wool and yarn inspired by YOUR favorite characters stitch the best stories!


  1. Oh, look at how beautiful that is! I've been trying to learn to spin but with everything else I do around here it's been hard to find time. Your work is just gorgeous...

    So - answering your questions:
    1. Nope. I have a few yards of yarn I've spun myself on a drop spindle but not enough to do more than finger-knit a chain with!
    2. I would love to do it - I've seen so many lovely things made with handspun yarn & they have so much character!
    3. Probably something for my 3-year-old daughter, because it looks like quite a bit of purple and pink in there, and those are her favourite colours.

    Enjoy giveaway, week! xo

  2. I have never used handspun yarn before but I would certainly like to try!

  3. I have never used handspun before, but I think it's so amazing - we have a Siberian husky and I think her fun would be fun to turn into yarn!

    sweetwatercloth at gmail dot com

  4. That yarn is gorgeous! I've never crocheted with handspun, though I recently went on a course to learn to spin, I suppose I should try crocheting with it really but have no idea what to make!

  5. I've never used handspun before
    I'd love to try a product that's so unique
    I think I would make a hat for myself!

  6. Hi! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!! <3 I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

    krencamp (at) gmail (dot) com

    Your questions:
    1. No, I've never used handspun yarn before but I've also not learned to knit yet!! It looks beautiful!
    2. I don't have thoughts other then it looks beautiful! I would be using it as a gift if I won it!
    3. I would be giving it to my mother in law who knits on her spare time and is trying to get into the crafters market making the cutest knit hats ever. She doesn't have a lot of money to start it up so anything helps and your prize would definitely help her! <3

  7. Gorgeous yarn -- love the colors! When I was very little, my aunt spun her own yarn, and I have fond memories of helping her card the wool. SO yes, used it before, but I must admit that it's been a very long time! Enjoy Giveaway Day!

  8. Swoon! I've never worked with handspun, but would love to! Love the colors and would make it for myself!

  9. I have never worked with homespun before, but I would love to. I would make something cuddly and soft, probably a warm scarf for myself!!

  10. Yes — I have used handspun yarn before. I love that sometimes the thickness is different throughout it (purposely usually) and it makes for a very unique texture. I would probably make myself some legwarmers from this ... if there wasn't enough, I'd make my fav wristwarmer pattern (fetching from

  11. That is beautiful yarn. I have never used handspun yarn, but I love things that are made by people rather than a machine. Maybe I would make a cowl?

  12. Gorgeous! I have used handspun once before to craft a Waldorf doll but I have never knitted with it before. Can't imagine how that would feel! I would probably knit a hat for my daughter if there was enough. j s t a r h @ g m a i l . c o m

  13. I have never worked with handspun before, but this looks amazing. I would probably use it as an accent to make something akin to a table runner, or maybe a felted pot holder/trivet!

  14. I personally haven't used handspun before because its hard to find in my area. However, i would love to have more access to it so I can make just about everything possible: scarves, sweaters, afgans, throws, etc

  15. What beautiful yarn!

    I've never used handspun before, but I've always wondered what it's like to work with. I'd love to try some. I think knitting or crocheting with handspun would feel like more of a "special occasion" or treat than working with regular storebought yarn, and as such, it would require just the perfect pattern. (Pattern hunting is almost as much fun as the knitting/crocheting!) I think I'd look for a scarf or a cowl pattern... Definitely something where you can really feel the yarn when you wear it. :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  16. I have never knit w/ handspun, but haven't out of fear I'll be addicted once I use it!
    I'd probably make a hat w/ it.

  17. That looks so beautiful! I just want to touch it!

    I've never used handspun yarn before but have always wanted to. It looks like a textural sensory joy to work with. I think if I won this I would make myself a scarf or cowl. I'm also expecting baby #2 so maybe something for the baby.

  18. That is beautiful yarn!
    1) I have not used handspun yarn-yet!
    2) yummy yarn! I wish I could squish it!
    3) I'd most likely make a hat for baby- probably a pixie hat

  19. I haven't used homespun yarn before. It is beautiful though and I would love a shot. I'm a crocheter.

  20. I love this color of yarn, it's so pretty. I have never used hands pun wool before but I am going to try it right after Christmas when I make my first Waldorf doll.

  21. I have never used handspun yarn before. I just started knitting a month ago and have fallen in love! I would love to make myself a cowl out of that yarn, it's my favorite color!

  22. Your yarn is beautiful! I have never worked with hand spun before, though would love to learn. Went so far as to purchase a drop spindle, though have not used it yet.
    I crochet and knit so this may become a lovely scarf or wrist warmers.

  23. I have not worked with handspun yarn before - hand-dyed, yes, but never handspun. I love working with thick and thin yarn and especially love to see the way that the colors settle into place in the final piece. I think I would knit an infinity cowl with this beautiful yarn!!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

    beckygreene10 at gmail dot com

  24. I love yarn but never tried handspun before.
    I would love to try it and would do a cowl or scarf.

  25. I LOVE handspun yarn. I've used it many many times. I love that it's a "one of a kind" skein. I'll probably use this yarn, which is gorgeous BTW, to make a hat for my daughter. She loves hats, especially ones that I make for her.

  26. Neither I have used handspun before but I have daydreamed about it for years. It seems to be yarn with fairy tale - you can imagine someone who spun it by themself, a real person...What would I made - lace leg or arm warmers for my biking commutes in Winter. Thank you for such a lovely giveaway.

  27. I also visited the local shops to see how I could translate the Physical YARN Shop Front into a virtual one.

    scrapbook paper

  28. yay!
    I have used handspun before and i love learning to spin myself and i love the way you can play with the different colors of the roving to make different looking results..if i won id love to make this hat from the new knitty :) ..maybe id have enough to make some tiny mitts too! :)

  29. Ohhh, so lovely! Yes, I have knit with handspun before. I love it. I love knowing the care put into the yarn, that someone took calm time to sit and spin their love into it. I love that each skein is unique. Handspun just seems to exude comfort and love!! I don't know what I would make with it, though. I would have to see it, touch it, rub it on my face, snuggle with it... :-)

  30. 1. I own some handspun, I've never got up the nerve to use it because I feel like I have to have the perfect project for it.
    2. I generally just think something along the lines of "stunning" because hand spun/dyed yarn is just so lovely.
    3. I think I'd make a cowl for myself. I make a lot, but I've yet to keep one, so it's about time.

  31. - Have you used handspun yarn before?
    Yes, and I love it!

    - What are your thoughts on using handspun yarn?
    I love how it's 100% unique; even two skeins from the same wool made by the same spinner have small differences. Working with uniform factory-made yarn is so boring after using handspun.

    - What do you think you might make with this yarn?
    I think it wants to be gloves on my cold hands. :)

    ravID Super-Nova

  32. Beautiful yarn! Gorgeous colours. I've never used handspun yarn before but it's definitely something I'd like to try. . . I think I'd have to think long and hard about what to make with it though, try and find something that shows it off to its full potential!

    Thanks for the giveaway
    Sarah @

  33. I have never used handspun yarn yet, but I would love to use something that was not made by machine as so many things are today. I'm thinking maybe a scarf just for me because I do so little crocheting for me. Thanks for the chance and good luck to all.

  34. I've never used handspun yarn before. It looks awesome, though! I would love to make a new hat for my sister!
    peachstateme (at) hotmail (dot) com

  35. Oh my! What a thing you can tell about creating things with you hands. I can not wait to hear more from you. I just used handspun for the first time earlier this fall. And it was lovely! It's amazing to think of all the time that was spent on this from everyone - including me. I would think this would make lovely hand something's but it's always best to let this kinda stuff simmer with me. Oh maybe a hat . . ugh!

  36. I've never knitted or crocheted with handspun yarn before but would love to give it a go. Not sure what I would use it for - maybe a scarf or had because I like to be warm. I'm bookmarked your page to come back for a browse of your patterns so maybe there would be some ideas there.
    Teresa x

  37. I haven't ever used handspun - I'm a newbie knitter. I would love to !

  38. I've knited with handspun before and have found that sometimes it becomes what it wants to become like the cowl I started but it became a bag instead. I also enjoy spinning but am using a spindle right now while dreaming of a wheel.

  39. I've never used hand spun, but I sure would like to try. It's looking a bit like a cowl to me. Thanks for the chance.

  40. I've enver used handspun before, but I'd love to give it a shot! I think that yarn want to be a scarflet or a cowl. Thank you!

  41. I'm glad I found you through this giveaway - your yarn is splendid! I'm a new spinner myself, and haven't knit with much handspun personally. I'm really interested in how different the yarn feels and behaves when you're working with it. I did design a sweater about a year ago, though, that uses handspun for the cuffs, collar, and belt, and I would want to use yours to make a version of that sweater for myself.

  42. - Have you used handspun yarn before?
    Actually, no I have not! I've always wanted to though.

    - What are your thoughts on using handspun yarn?
    The idea has always intrigued me. I'm interested in seeing how it handles versus wide-scale commercially available yarn.

    - What do you think you might make with this yarn?
    Honestly a cowl! I've noticed that bulky yarns knit up into cowls nicely. And the different colors will lend to a really fantastic visual texture.

  43. I haven't ever used handspun yarn before, but I think it is lovely that people are keeping the skills and traditions alive. Yarn is crazy expensive here but I wish I could afford to buy traditional yarns more often. I don't know what I would make with your yarn but maybe I'll join the others in suggesting a cowl?

  44. I have not used handspun yard before, but I have been wanting to. In fact, I would love to learn to spin and dye my own yarn. I think that is a great skill. I think I would make a scarf or a cowl with the gorgeous yarn.

  45. no I've never knitted with homespun but would like to knit a cowl with that lovely yarn.

  46. I love handspun yarn, and I would use that skein to knit up a pair of warm, smooshy fingerless mitts!

  47. I have never used handspun yarn as I'm new to knitting. But I love your analogy about everything made by hand telling a story. Beautiful thought for the day.

  48. I have never used handspun yarn, tho I do have a skein, I just never got around to making anything from it. I think that skein would make a lovely hat or a wonderful pair of fingerless gloves (my personal favorite).

  49. I haven't used handspun yarn before although I've seen it being spun and was intriged. The price sometimes makes it hard to buy, but I do appreciate why the price is higher. I'd love to give it a try and use it for a new slipper pattern I have. Thanks!

  50. Your yarn is so very lovely and I've never tried to knit with homespun. I would welcome the opportunity and would probably make myself a cowl.

    rosebudscott1 at yahoo dot com

  51. I've never knit with handspun, but would love to try it. If I won, I'd make myself a cowl!

  52. My mother had an spinning wheel and knew how to use it... I don't... I actually only started my first knitting project: a baby blanket for my newborn son.
    with your yarn I would make a pair of leg warmers

  53. Oh, how beautiful!! I've never knit handspun before... I think it'd make a lovely cowl, or perhaps a set of armwarmers.

  54. What a lovely yarn!! I have used handspun before and am learning to spin myself - nothing so beautiful as this yet, though.

  55. I have never used handspun yarn before, but would love to sometime! Your yarn is so beautiful- it makes me want to get out my dusty crochet hook and learn some new stitches! Maybe I would try my hand at something for my little girl!
    brooke at richardchurch dot com

  56. very pretty!
    1. yes I have
    2. it depends on the project, if it's thick and thin. You have to have the right project for handspun
    3. maybe a cowl or hat...
    Kenyetta on Ravelry

  57. Love your yarn! We have a small farm and raise Leicester Longwool and CVM/Romeldale sheep. There is nothing more satisfying than making a project with wool that you have helped grow (good grass, fresh water, lots of sunshine!) dye, spin, and then knit or felt. I think handspun yarn has so much character. I would want to really showcase this yarn, so probably it would be used in a hat or scarf!

  58. I've never used handspun yarn before, but I would love to! I have about, oh, 300 projects in my ravelry queue, so I'm sure I could find a project that was a good fit for this yarn!
    mindfulhome at gmail dot com

  59. I've haven't used handspun yarn, yet!
    Not sure what I would make with it - but I know I would have fun deciding. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  60. I've never used hand spun yarn, but have knitted with hand-dyed yarn. I love the textural variations. Your yarn would either become a scarf or would be incorporated into a Crayon Box Shawl that I've recently started but am now second-guessing myself about some of my yarn choices.

  61. I've never used homespun before but if I win I'm going to give this to a really good friend of mine that knits with homespuns because she is so worth it!!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!


  62. I have use handspun yarn before, I've made a few cowls for Christmas gifts. I love the feel of it and the finished product is always beautiful!

  63. Oh goodie!

    - Have you used handspun yarn before? No
    - What are your thoughts on using handspun yarn? It sounds absolutely intriguing.
    - What do you think you might make with this yarn? A scarf perhaps.

  64. i've never knit with handspun, but I'd sure like to try. I think that beautiful skein would make a great scarf or hat.
    I'm squiggi on ravelry

  65. I've never used handspun before, but I would love to try it out. I'd like to make some mittens or maybe a hat.

  66. I have used it ones or twice, but I absolutely love it! I would make my daughter a hat and mitt set with this, it's beautiful! Thanks for the chance!

  67. No, though I want to. I'd probably go after a hat.


  68. I haven't ever used Handspun yarn but will be soon as I just received a drop spindle and fibre for my birthday! :) I'm so looking forward to it! Thanks for the giveaway!

    tangledknits on Rav.

  69. I have never used handspun yarn, but its so beautiful!
    I'm always worried i'll crap it up somehow, and whatever i end up making will not be worth the cost of the yarn, and i'll wish i had just bought a scarf or hat or whatever.
    If i were to win, i'd very carefully make a scarf, and hopefully not ruin it~

  70. I have used handspun to knit with--my own! I've knit scarves and a hat and some cowls with my handspun.

    I love knitting with handspun, as it adds an extra layer of personality and love to an item.

    I think this skein would make an awesome hat. Not sure for whom, but a hat!

    (InJuneau on Ravelry too)

  71. - Have you used handspun yarn before?


    - What are your thoughts on using handspun yarn?

    I want to, but the prices tend to make it a bit...Erm...Out of my league?

    - What do you think you might make with this yarn?

    I honestly have no idea. I'm assuming it's wool? I tend to figure out what something is going to be about the time I pick up a hook and start chaining the base, but wool tends to go for little girl projects (diaper covers) and non wool for whatever anyone else needs.

  72. What beautiful yarn! My sister is the knitter in the family (I sew) and she would absolutely love it as a present! I have bought hand made yarn for her before from farmer's markets and craft fairs. I love small businesses where someone is doing something they really love rather than large factory goods. I would definitely try to convince my sister to make something for my son from the wool (like some wool longies), but she might choose to use it for a project for her. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  73. What a lovely, lovely giveaway. Knitting is my favorite craft! To answer the questions:

    1. No. I have knitted with a lot of different, but never handspun.

    2. I am curious about it. My friend's mom spins her own yarn, which I have seen/felt, but she has never had enough to sell any to me! However, it is quite scratchy, so I would be curious how it feels and how it knits up.

    3. Considering the amount, probably a scarf, many an infinity one. Or is there is enough, I would love to make some fingerless gloves or glittens.

    Merry Christmas!

  74. I have not used handspun yarn before, but I would love the opportunity to try! J - cried2dream(at)gmail(dot)com

  75. 1. I have knit with handspun yarn. I am currently knitting a shawl out of a handspun merino / silk blend.
    2. I love love love handspun and....could I afford it (teachers don't get payed much), I would only use handspun.
    3. I would probably make some sort of neck warmer or hat out of it. I would want something that people will be able to see. :)

    Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  76. Silly me, forgot to leave my email. (see post above). It is lisejackson (at) rocketmail (dot) com

  77. Spinning is on my list of crafts I want to try someday. I would use it to crochet a hat.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. I have not knit from handspun, though I have 1 skein of it. I am afraid to use it though in case I never want to use anything else ever again. I would probably make a cowl with it. I love cowls. rebecca342 at gmail dot com (erased the other comment because I forgot my email)

  80. I've never knit with handspun before, but it sounds absolutely lovely. I love the coloring on your skein too, so I think it would be dreamy to try it out!

  81. I haven't used handspun yarn but I'm learning how to knit and I'd love to try working with this! msagala1 (at) gmail (dot) com

  82. I haven't used handspun before but this would make some lovely doll hair!

  83. I haven't had the pleasure of using handspun yarn before, but my mother loves it. I mostly crochet, but would love to try working with handspun, especially some as gorgeous as yours. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  84. I've been thinking that I'd like to make a quilt from separate knitted blocks, and your skein would be a great start. It's beautiful.

  85. I have never used handspun before. This skein has such beautiful colors in it, I would make a hat or a pair of fingerless mitts for myself.

  86. I've never knit with homespun before, but I admire it often. I would love to make a cowl to match my purple coat. Off to check out your Etsy shop!

  87. I've never used homespun yarn, but its looks glorious. what to make? Oh, goodness, perhaps a ball for Peanut? or a scarf? or maybe a stuffed, knitted (or crocheted) animal for Peanut? OH, the ideas!

  88. I am a knitter and a sewer. I am also on Ravelry, username thomas. I don't know if I ever used handspun yarn, I don't think so. I think I would make a small shawl maybe its just enough . Or otherwise a hat....

  89. Beautiful yarn!

    I have used handspun yarn... and mostly love it. Sometimes the small inconsistencies bug the OCD person inside of me, but at the same time, it's those little irregularities that I really love. This lovely would make a delightful cowl to match my winter coat!

  90. That is gorgeous!
    - Have you used handspun yarn before?
    I have used a little handspun yarn before.
    - What are your thoughts on using handspun yarn?
    I LOVE it! It's original and a work of art all by itself. It lends my projects even more style and originality.
    - What do you think you might make with this yarn?
    I think I might make fingerless gloves or a hat.



  91. Oh, such gorgeous yarn!

    I've never had the opportunity to use hand spin yarn, though I love watching it come together. My three year old son and I worked a craft event a few weeks ago with a woman who spun several skeins (and let my son help!) and it was SO amazing.

    I have no idea what I'd do with it yet. I'm still a pretty novice knitter. But it would be something for one of my littles.

    Thank you so much for offering such a wonderful giveaway!

  92. I've never used handspun before, but golly would I love to! I really want to learn how to spin sometime, but I must find the cash to invest first :)

  93. I have never used handspun yarn before but have wanted to. Not sure what I would make it but it would be something for me, not a gift for someone else.

  94. I've used it a bit and I'd love to use more of it. What I'd *really* love is to start knitting some of my own, but I suspect it will be awhile before I do that!

  95. I've never used handspun before, but I would love to. I agree with you that it adds so much to an item if you can say that it was hand made from start to finish. I would make a scarf or a hat with this, those are my favorite things to crochet lately.

  96. I have added you to my Blogger feed! That yarn is absolutely beautiful. I would love to make some newborn knit hats with it. Thank you for the chance to win! :)

  97. I have knit with hand spun. It comes out so beautifully. Those colors look like a hat to me.

  98. Wow,this is amazing,love the colors.I never used handspun yarn before,seen it all over blogland,so lovely colors.I would love to use it,I could crochet hat and mittens,maybe even bag,lovely colors.Thanks for chance to win this lovely yarn,I am always happy with new yarn =o)

  99. I've never used handspun yarn before, but I'd love to try! I think I might make a hat for my baby.

  100. I have never used handspan yarn...I'd love to give it a try because it is an art In itself!! And I would make something for myself...a gift for me!!


    nancebagance at yahoo dot ca

  101. you spun this yourself?!? I've never worked with handspun yarn before, and to be honest if I won then this would end up as a gift for my MIL because she loves handspun yarn and can make some pretty amazing things with it.

  102. I am super new to the world of yarn. Just in the past couple months I have learned to crochet & more recently knit. I have not yet had the opportunity to work with handspun yarn, but I would love to try. I love the idea that from start to finish a project with your yarn is completely handmade. Thanks for the great giveaway, now I'm off to learn more about handspun yarn. ;)

  103. I have knit a lot, but I have never used handspun yarn. This looks incredible, and I'd love to knit it up! :)

  104. I have been crocheting since I was 12 but have never had the opportunity to use handspun yarn. I really want to learn to knit but just can't seem to get it right. I think this lovely skein of handspun yarn would be brilliant as an infinity scarf in one of your knitting patterns. Now I'm thinking I need to give learning to knit another go.

  105. I've never used handspun yarn before, butwould love to try it. I like the idea of something being handmade from the start & am impressed with artists, like you, who can create something so beautiful. This would make a gorgeous scarf or shawl.


  106. That yarn is beautiful! I've never worked with hand spun yarn, but I'd love to give it a try. There is a local group that does spinning demonstrations at our fair, but they meet when I can't have the hubby watch our daughter. I'd probably make myself a new scarf with a skein of your yarn, or maybe a pretty little hat for my 15 month old!

  107. I've never used homespun, I think they are VERY unique and I'd make a scarf with it - so very pretty. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  108. I am absolutely drooling! I've been wanting to try handspun for a long time but i'm poor and can only afford what I find on clearance. lol I have no idea what I'd make with this but I loved the Mandelbrot hat that was in the new issue of Knitty and the Diversify cowl from last winter. Thanks so much!

  109. I've never even seen handspun yarn in real life. I'd love to try some. A shawlette I suppose.

  110. I have never used handspun yarn before but would love to! I would definitely make a hat for myself.

  111. I have not knit with handspun yet, but I got myself a spindle and I'm going to try to spin my own. Tanks! Debbie H

  112. I have not, but this looks beautiful! Thanks for the chance.

  113. Your yarn is beautiful. I have never knit with handspun but have always wanted to. If I win I would make a lovely "Scallo-Pie" scarf with it. Garter stitch really shows multi colored yarns so beautifully.

  114. I have used handspun before, and love it! Handspun is totally unique and so I can't ever plan what to make with it unless I touch it, see it, and smell it in person :). I imagine it will end up as an accessory of some kind, but not sure what.

  115. Ooh that's a lovely color! I have an antique wheel (Edna's her name) that I use from time to time... my problem is, I'm not a good enough spinner yet to be able to churn out yarn without a great deal of effort - so I can never find something that's just right for making with my handspun yarn! I don't think I'd have a problem using yours, though :) Just the right color for the upcoming baby...

  116. I have not yet worked with handspun yarn, but I would love to! I might make a twisted drop stitch scarf for my sister.

    chels580 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  117. I never used handspun yarn before... but I am really tempted! The colours and the texture looks so great... and I just want to touch it! :)

    I would make wrist warmers or a little scarf / neck warmer. Something small but which you can feel on your skin :)

  118. I haven't used handspun yarn yet. I'm finally getting to a point where I'm graduating from the cheap practice yarn, to quality fibers. I am interested in spinning myself, but haven't taken the plunge yet.

    I would make a hat of some sort with this beauty. :)

  119. I've never used handspun, but I am excited to try! I would probably make a cozy hat or scarf. :)

    smalltowngirlblogger (at) gmail (dot) com

  120. I've never used handspun. I'd love to knit a cowl out of this in a simple stitch to really show off the texture and color of the yarn, perhaps even design a new pattern, which would naturally be called "Sleeping Beauty" Really beautiful skein.
    I'm jesseknits on Ravelry.

  121. I love, no, LOVE handspun yarn. I love the feel of it as it slips thru my fingers, the texture & warmth of it! I love how it's not 'regular' like shop bought yarn & love the little differences throughout the yarn of it!

  122. How special this giveaway is!! ok, on to the questions:

    -Have you used handspun yarn before?
    Nope, here in my country I have NEVER seen handspun yarn, which is a shame I must say =(
    - What are your thoughts on using handspun yarn?
    I would love to make something special with a special yarn. I consider the handspun yarn something very special
    - What do you think you might make with this yarn?
    I would love to make a beret =)

  123. I bought handspun yarn for the first time at a fiber arts show last January. I'm looking forward to returning and buying much more. But I'd love to win your skein, too!

  124. So beautiful. I dont knit, I quilt. So I trade knitted socks for quilting or sewing. My friend and I go through hand dyed yarn on the internet and pick out just the right color to make socks. I like yarn I can wash and not worry about destroying the socks. I would give this her. She is a great friend and would appreciate the work that goes into this

  125. The yarn is gorgeous. I have never used handspun before. :)

  126. I have used handspun before since I like to get yarn from local sources when I can. It can be wonderful to knit with. This yarn would make lovely hat and mittens.

  127. wonderful, gorgeous yarn.

    Have you used handspun yarn before? yes, not a ton, but a little. I do spin a bit with a handspindle, but don't spend a lot of time spinning.
    - What are your thoughts on using handspun yarn? Using any yarn is good :)
    - What do you think you might make with this yarn?
    probably a cowl or a very short scarf... or a small shawlette... :) something lacey & open

    anastaciaknits on Ravelry / anastaciaknits at gmail dot com

  128. Have used it. Love it. Maybe a hat for my trip to Africa next summer?

  129. 1.Yes I have used handspun before.
    2.I LOVED it because A.I feel handspun is better quality(just my opionion)and B.I feel that someone tookthe time out of their day to make this JUST FOR ME.
    3.If I won it I would use it to make a birthday present for my little sister because she LOVES it when I knit/crochet her stuff

    My e-mail is:

  130. I have never used handspun yarn but would love to try, I 'm not sure what I would make but I would probably crochet rather than knit, I am not a very good knitter.

  131. Thanks for sharing that story about handspun yarn..I would love to make a shrug out of this yarn perhaps if Ii could find a great loom knitting pattern for it. Any ideas?

  132. I've never used it before, but I would love to because I think it has much more character and beauty.

  133. The yarn is beautiful. I have never knit with handspun before but I am eager to try!

  134. I have never used handspun before but would like to try

  135. I have used handspun yarn, I love the texture it gives my knits. I would use this yarn for a sloucy beret or fingerless gloves or maybe a cowl. It is really pretty!!

  136. I've never used handspun yarn, but I'd love to give it a try. This yarn is beautiful; I'd save it for making something special when I'm a better knitter.

  137. Now that I'm becoming a more accomplished knitter I can see the appeal of selective yarn shopping and hand spun yarn definitely appeals me. This looks like it would make a nice cap or even fingerless gloves.

  138. I have never used hand spun yarn before, but I would love to try! This yarn looks loved and cared for, something that I cant wait to transfer into a keepsake for myself or someone I love!

  139. Oh wow what beautiful yarn!
    I had the pleasure of having one of my design clients, who is a spinner and yard dyer, barter with me for some design work and in exchange I got enough handspun yarn to knit myself a cardi- I know right! She even dyed it custom just for me in beautiful shades of greys and blues.
    I love handspun yarn, there's nothing like it. It reminds me of my gran who used to spin and dye her own yarns using flowers and plants in the dye for the colours- and if I won this skein I'd make myself a scarf or a funky neckwarmer. Thanks for doing this giveaway! :D

  140. LOVE handspun yarn! i need to get back into my winter knitting mode... thanks for the chance to win.

  141. 1) no I haven't

    2) I'd love to try

    3) maybe a neck kerchief for myself. These grey days need some colour!

  142. I've never knitted with handspun yarn before... I would love to though! The color is gorgeous! I might try to make a hat out of it...

    abigail.lee {at}

  143. what a lovely way to get into knitting with hand spun yarn - something i've always wanted to do.
    thank you!

  144. I've never used hand spun yarn but would love to try. Thanks for the great giveaway
    Adia on Ravelry

  145. i have used handspun yarn before and quite like it. before i make something with this i'd have to feel if it's soft or not, then probably a scarf or wristlets.

  146. I haven't ever used a handspun yarn, but it's so unique that I'd love to try some. I'd probably make myself a nice warm hat.

    Thank you for the giveaway. :)

  147. I haven't used handspun before. I think that I saw the perfect hat pattern on knitandtonic for this skein!

  148. How beautiful!
    I THINK I've used handspun yarn - it was chunky and multi coloured, and came in a skien from a local yarn shop - Of course I knit and frogged it three times (and then went back for more) before making a great scarf out of it.
    Your's is beautiful! I think that for many smaller hand knit items it is well worth it to work with the best - and hand spun is often that.
    I would probably wimp out and make a hat or a scarf (but I'd follow a pattern! Not like the "ugliest hat ever" I made for myself in university - I knit a rectangle long enough to go around my head, then picked up a bunch of stitches, then randomly knit and decreased until I had a "lid" ... I think I even wore it in public!)

  149. I have a friend who spins and dyes yarn. I love hand spun yarn - colorways that you can't find anywhere else.

    amyknit40 on ravelry

  150. I love handspun yarn but it ruins you for anything else :). The colors and how much easier it makes knitting are so worth the extra money! Amy @

  151. I have never used handspun yarn before, but I really want to try!

    I really like the concept of hand-spinning yarn, and maybe one day I'll give it a try.

    I would make some sort of stuffed toy with this yarn :)

    Thanks for an awesome giveaway, I'm Knittinggirl13 on ravelry.

  152. I do not knit or crochet but my sister in law does. I have bought some beautiful handspun yarn for her at the maker's market for gifts to her. The last one I bought is for Christmas and it's called "crayon box"-- very pretty and colorful. Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

  153. Holy cow, Jess! A lot of traffic here today.

    I have knitted with handspun. I think it is amazing, and actually own one or two skiens that you have spun.... I think I would probably make a hat or mitts. I hope people check out your shop.... trying to make space in my stash for more of your goodies. :)

  154. Bee-you-tee-full! Love love love the color!
    Have you used handspun yarn before? yes

    What are your thoughts on using handspun yarn? Depends on the yarn but usually positive!

    What do you think you might make with this yarn?
    A scarf for me - me - ME!

  155. I don't knit but I love homespun wool. I have a number of friends who knit and I have to say that homespun looks so much better than commercial. It looks warmer and more snuggly.
    If I won this I would give it to a very special friend who knits beautifully and see if she could make a teddy bear for me.

  156. I have only spun with my own, newbie handspun.
    I certainly love the idea of handspun. Knowing that an item is truly and completely handmade makes it that much more special. If I won, I would probably make something for my little girlie out of it. Hat/mittens/bootie set or maybe a sweet little shrug. It's very beautiful! Thanks for the give away.

  157. This yarn is SO beautiful! I learned to crochet this year and I love it (I have known how to knit for years). I have never used handspun, but I have wanted to try it. It looks so soft and cozy. I think I would make a hat for my daughter.


  158. The yarn is beautiful! I haven't used handspun yarn. I would love to make a scarf from this yarn.

  159. I've never used handspun before but would love to work with it. I'm not sure what I would make with it. Maybe a warm scarf or cowl.

  160. I have used handspun before and love it...

    Love the idea of someone taking it from animal to spun fiber - it's an incredible talent.

    I would make either a hat or fingerless mitts!!!

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  161. Beautiful yarn! Think I'd make my daughter a hat from it. I will be back to browse your patterns!

  162. I have not used handspun yarn but always thought "some day" I'd like to try. Because of the beautiful colors and the name of the yarn, I thought something for a little girl might be a nice use for this yarn.

    Zowmom on Ravelry

  163. Very pretty! I have worked with handspun before, but only a couple of very special skeins of it. I like it, but in some ways it makes me more nervous than commercial yarn because I know it's not easy to replace. I'd knit something, possibly a cowl, with this yarn if I won it.

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  164. I love handspun yarn and would love to take a spinning class one day! I'd like to make a cowl out of this lovely skein.

  165. Thanks so much for the giveaway, Jess! I'm actually entering on behalf of my mom (I sew, she knits). She's only ever bought storebought yarn, so I'd love to let her try make something for me:) Happy holidays!

  166. i have only spun wool on a drop spindle, never on a spinning wheel although i want to try! i would love to use this either crocheted into a hat, or use it for doll hair in my waldorf dolls! It's gorgeous! thanks for the chance!

  167. I would love to use handspun yarn but never have. I'm going to a demonstration on hand spinning this week as a matter of fact.

    I would love the opportunity to use it!

    I think I would make a scarf with this gorgeous yarn.

  168. I've spun my own yarn before, but not in great enough quantities to do anything with it other than admire it.

    bookwormdjibouti on Ravelry

  169. Beautiful yarn. I'd love to crochet a cowl with it. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  170. I haven't really used handspun before, but this would be the second skein I own, if I win! :) I love knowing exactly where my yarn came from, who handled it, and what went into making the yarn. With this I think I'd make a pretty pillow-front to brighten up my workplace!

  171. I have always admired handspuns, but haven't had much of a chance to use them. I'd probably make some much-needed fingerless gloves for myself!

  172. I've never used handspun yarn before but I'll love to try it.

  173. I've never used handspun yarn. I'd make something for my "purple" lovin' daughter.

  174. i've never used handspun yarn, but i do enjoy knitting and crocheting. i think i'd like to make a knitted scarf or cowl - would one skein be enough?

  175. I have not used handspun yarn before, this is gorgeous! I would live to make a hat for myself, and have been planning on it - this yarn would be perfect! I'm sure it would spoil me!

  176. my mum was a spinner, dyer, weaver and more so as a child I was surrounded by yarn. Since she passed away I haven't had as much around but do have a pile of handspun of hers that I'm holding onto dearly. I can't bear to use it.

    I love the look of your creation. Thanks for this chance to try it out.

  177. I love handspun yarn. It just feels better than commercial yarn. My mom is going to teach my how to knit mittens. And I would love to do so with this skein.

  178. I LOVE homespun! Unfortunatly I dont know how to knit (yet), and I cannot crochet well (yet) but I do love to make is so relaxing. I live in Northern Canada, and have been lucky enough to have a source for uncleaned Mountain Goat and muskox. Making yarn straight from the the animal is a feeling of achievement! Your colours are beautiful!

  179. I'm a total beginner (I made a basic scarf for my sister's christmas present last year!) but I'm itching to learn a bit more. If I won, I'd probably try out one of your free patterns - thanks!

  180. Lovely! Yes, I have used handspun and love it. I would make something for myself as I always end of knitting for others and never for me!

  181. I would make a sweater for my baby.

  182. I would like to make a hat.


  183. Oooo pretty! I love to use handspun and I think that skein would love to be a pair of mittens.


  184. I only started knitting seriously a year ago and am looking at dyeing yarn but the idea of spinning overwhelms me. I have watched a friend go throught the learning process over the past 2 years and she is now good enough to sell her handspun. It is has been inspiring and I love the whole process.

    I love the rustic, hands-on vibe associated with handspun. You can't that from a machine.

    It is the start of summer here in Australia but I am still knitting away merrily- and a girl can't have too many hats made of such gorgeous wool.


  185. I only just started using hand spun wool last week, but I totally loved it! Such unique colours and blends. Plus it felt nice to use and I knew that I was supporting a local spinner! all bonuses, so i want to use it a lot more

  186. I am a novice knitter and have never used hand spun yarn, but it looks amazing and I'd love to try. I would make a hat for my daughter. Thank you very much for this generous giveaway. I will be back to visit your site again and will look for your work on Ravelry.

  187. I have never used handspun yarn, but would definitely love to start. I would probably make a scarf with the yarn!

  188. That is gorgeous! Thank you so much for this giveaway!

    I have not used handspun yarn before. It's definitely high up there on my to-do list. I love the look of handspun, and I love that someone put the time and love into making such beautiful yarn. I have some fleece that I dyed years ago that I have wanted to spin on my own, but haven't gotten the courage to do so yet.

    I think, if there's enough, I'd love to make a BSJ. If not, I'd probably make a little hat and mitts set. Beautiful work!

  189. Hello,
    I've never worked with handspun yarn wood be a great experiment, maybe a shawl oder a pullover for the little one.
    Thank you for the wonderful gift you give to us.
    Kind regards from Germany

  190. I have never used handspun yarn before. But oh how I have dreamed of it! The colours in this skein are just beautiful. I've been wanting to make a doll and use handspun yarn for it's funky hair. I have also wanted to attempt to crochet a kind of large head band to hold my hair. Also, gnomes. I found a knitted gnome pattern a while back and would love these colours to go with it. Actually, I could go on for ever. I have such a long list of projects I want to find time to create!
    Thanks for the opportunity.
    Aleta ღ

  191. I have handspun yarn, but haven't used it yet.
    The only problem I see is when you need more yarn... It's impossible to find the same yarn...
    i woul make mittens :)

  192. I have not used hand spun but I have been wanted to use some. This is my favorite color and I would make a cowl from it! thanks!

  193. Hi, I managed to find sew mama sew through following a couple of blogs that were taking part and routing back through and im glad that i have done because im discovering even more gorgeous blogs like your own. I have never used handspun yarn before (and ive only been knitting a year) so this would be really exciting!

  194. I have not knit with handspun before (although I recently bought a drop spindle and a little fiber to try out spinning some of my own) but I'd definitely like to! I don't know what I would make quite yet.

  195. I have never knit with handspun but would love to try it after listening to all the podcasters go on and on about how wonderful it is!


  196. Such a beautiful thing - thank You for the Giveaway!
    I have never used handspun before.
    I think it`s a treasure.
    Would like to make the scarf (my colors!).

  197. I have never used hand spun yarn before, in fact, i'm thinking of gifting this to a knitter that i know!!!

  198. I've used handspun before and I LOVE it!

  199. I have not used handspun yarn yet, but its on my short list of things to do. With this yarn, I would likely make baby hats - its my favorite thing to make =)

  200. I've never knit with handspun and have always wanted to try. I hope I win this lovely skein.
