
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday Sweater Update: Handspun, Round 2

Well, I spun another set of batts for my sweater! Remember this post, when I spun the green batts? Well, now I've got some blue/purple yarn to go with the green!

I took a shot of the two colors side by side, too. I think they look nice together, don't you?

I've still got one final set of batts to add; this one will have a little bit of purple, blue and green in it. Hopefully I'll have that done within a week and then I can start the plying, hooray!!!

The Great Sweater Project is coming along nicely!!

How are your knitting and spinning projects going lately?


  1. How many yards do you need for your sweater? Yes, I like the two colors.

  2. I'm impressed! I have such a short attention span for spinning (always wanting to go on to the next fiber!) that I could never complete enough yarn for one sweater.
