
Saturday, February 11, 2012

It's Finished!! My Handspun Shrug

If you've been following along with my handspun sweater project this year, then you know I spun three sets of batts to make a gorgeous yarn and then wanted to knit it into a sweater.

Except that it turned out to be fewer than 300 yards total, even though it weighs in at nearly a pound, so I didn't quite have enough for a full-sized sweater.

It's all good, though. My motto around here is "Keep Moving Forward," remember?!?

So, I settled on a sweater-like project instead: Shrug This. I made a few mods to the pattern - namely, I went up to a size 11 needles since my yarn is a little bit more than worsted weight, and I added 2 stitches per sweater section (10 stitches total) to the cast-on. I knit as directed until closing up the arm holes and then I just kept knitting until I ran out of yarn.

The result? Awesome:

I haven't blocked it yet, so right now it still kind of curls in at the front edges. I'm thinking a little bit of good blocking will help it not do that and also maybe even it out a little, and after that it will be pretty great!

Thanks for following along with my sweater knitting and spinning adventures! I'm sure this will NOT be the first sweater I make this year, so stay tuned for more fun!

In the meantime, though, I'm taking a break to knit my first pair of socks. Wahoo! I'll report more on that project later. :)


  1. I love it! It is great you didn't get discouraged by not having enough yarn and just made something else instead. It turned out really pretty.

  2. That turned out so cute and the yarn is really beautiful shades of blue!

  3. It's super sassy! I love it and now I want to make one with my handspun. LOVE LOVE LOVE

  4. congrats - its beautiful. I love to knit socks and you'll probably be hooked after your first pair. Good luck!

  5. A super idea for using handspun. I always find I don't have enough to make big projects.

  6. Your handspun is beautiful and knit up so nicely. Well done :) Maybe today, I'll do some spinning of my own. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. Gorgeous. The yarn is great and it looks so good in the shrug. Your spinning is very impressive.
