
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Meet My Characters: Cinna

As you probably already know if you're reading this, I believe very strongly that when we create something with our hands we tell a story through that item. That's why I do what I do - when I dye yarns inspired by the stories I love, I believe it brings depth to the finished knitted or crocheted item as the layers of the story come together.

Today I'm introducing Cinna, a colorway inspired by The Hunger Games. Here he is, one of my all-time favorite colorways:

Cinna is a black base with splashes of silver grey, bright violet purple, electric blue and bold periwinkle.

Most people ask me why I chose these colors for Cinna; as a result of the fact that he wears metallic gold eyeshadow in the first book, most people picture the color gold when they think of Cinna. I can't deny that association, of course, but after reading the final book in the trilogy I was more inspired by these colors than gold. I don't want to give too much away to those who haven't read the books, but to me Cinna's role in the final book will always be his lasting legacy as a character and this colorway was inspired by that role.

When you make something with this colorway, what kind of story do you stitch? Well, in my opinion, you stitch a story with style. I chose these colors to epitomize Cinna's cool factor. Knit Cinna when you need a dose of cool in your own wardrobe, or when you want to tell someone else how cool you think he/she is. Alternately, since Cinna was a mentor figure to Katniss and an inspiration for her, you could choose this colorway for a special project made for someone who inspires and guides you in your own life.

Thanks for visiting with me today, and getting to know Cinna! Leave me a comment if you feel like it and tell me what stories you're stitching today!

1 comment:

  1. This yarn is awesome! Although I'm not into the Hunger Games (my daughter is though), I do love this yarn. Do you by chance sell any of this that you dye?
