
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Diamond Candles Review & Giveaway!

Update: We have a winner! Congratulations to Cheryl-Anne!

Hello! Guess what? I'm back! I'm going to try to blog more often, though I make no promises about HOW often because I don't want to disappoint you. :)

I thought it might be nice to bring you a present as a welcome-back kind of a gift, so I got you a candle! Well, really I got you a coupon code for a free candle, but that's actually better because now you get to choose your favorite fragrance!

A little while back, Diamond Candles contacted me and asked if I'd like to do a give-away on my blog, and review a candle for myself. I jumped at the chance, because I love to burn candles to make my house smell warm and inviting any day of the week. Plus, Diamond Candles uses 100% soy in their candles so they're all natural, which is a definite bonus. I'll be the first to admit that I don't live a totally environmentally-friendly lifestyle, but I like to do what I can so I like that the (all-American!) soy beans used in Diamond Candles make them a sustainable, earth-friendly product.

I got to choose the fragrance I wanted for my review candle, and it was a tough one! I was tempted by so many - Rosewood, Gingerbread Latte, and Ocean Mist, to name a few - but in the end, I went with a fragrance inspired by one of my favorite indulgences: Cinnamon Tea.

At the end of a long, tiring day, all I want is to relax with a spiced cup of chai or cinnamon tea. I knew that burning that candle would help me relax all throughout my day, and I was right! The fragrance is nicely strong without being overpowering, and the candle smells really good even when it isn't lit!

Of course, the best part about Diamond Candles is that they put an actual RING inside each candle! Since they want the fun of burning a candle to be even more exciting than usual, Diamond Candles hides a ring worth anywhere from $10 to $5,000 inside each candle. When you burn the candle, you can see the ring inside it and after the wax burns down enough you can fish it out!

They take care to protect the rings; they're carefully wrapped in gold foil. After just a few hours of burning time, I was able to use a fork to pull this out of my candle:

I let it cool off for a minute or two, and then I unwrapped it to find this:

If you find "14K" written inside your ring, take it to a jeweler and have it appraised! My ring wasn't a "big winner," but it's still really lovely! I gave it to my daughter, who was just as excited about this whole process as I was. I definitely see more Diamond Candles in our future.

How about you? Do you want a Diamond Candle of your very own? Just enter below! I'll leave the contest up for one week, so it will end Monday, August 19, 2013. The winner will receive a coupon code for the free Diamond Candle of your choosing! This contest is open only to residents of the United States.

Disclaimer: I participated in this review and give-away because I got a free candle for myself and a code for a free one to give away. Diamond Candles sent me my candle for free, but I gave an honest review and the opinions stated in this Diamond Candles review are all mine. 


  1. Yum! I was looking at their site, and I can't decide which one I'd choose. There are sooo many appealing scents.

  2. Those candles sound really awesome and the fun of a ring inside is spectacular!!

  3. I like the idea of a Watermelon Wedge candle :)

  4. Excellent gift idea. Thanks for letting us know about them.

    NanaMamah on Rav

  5. I just want to say what an awesome giveaway this is, I do not have a facebook or a pinterest (and hold no interest in creating one for any purpose) so I cannot enter, but I love this candle idea. I already told my husband I have a new candle company obsession, and he is now afraid. We already have more candles in my house than we know what to do with, but these candles give you extra insentive for using them!!! Love it and thank you for such an awesome and honest review

  6. Thanks for the great review! We enjoyed reading it! :)

  7. Done Done and Done! I live in Canada, but I will send it to a friend of mine in the states :) Should be a nice surprise for them :)

  8. A totally new product for me! I now am following them on Pinterest and posted a pin on my page?

  9. This sounds so fun! I have never even heard of the company before but I liked them on Facebook for that entry.

  10. Wheeeee Heeeee!! Thanks for the candle code lovely!!!!

