
Friday, March 2, 2012

Fiber Arts Friday: Random Fun

Hello, and welcome to Fiber Arts Friday! I'm sorry I've been a little absent from blogging lately; things have just been busy as usual around here!

Recently, most of my fiber arts activity has involved buying fiber, ha! I've been on a real combed top kick, though I haven't spun any of it yet (I think I'm starting to hoard for Tour de Fleece). It's funny, though, because just when I think I'm on a combed top kick, I pull out my drum carder and start playing around. Then suddenly I want to keep all the batts I make!

This week I whipped up a few beauties to add to the shop, like this one:

or the silky-shiny-sparkly goodness of this one:

At this point I remind myself that it's good to have a stash with plenty of variety to suit your moods. :) If you're looking to boost up YOUR stash for Tour de Fleece, might I suggest having a peek around the Storied Yarns shop? The batts above are just two of the beauties I've added recently. :)

In other news, I have actually been knitting and spinning this week! My first-ever sock is coming along nicely; I've done the heel decreases and now just have to do the increases and then move on to the ankle portion:

I'm also knitting a Shimmer Lace Top using KnittinK Black Canary sport weight yarn:

In the spinning news, I've been spinning up the mini wool samples from my February Phat Fiber box and a few others I had here using my Threads Thru Time medium hot pink spindle:

I'm planning to include them in the shop as a mini skein set for hexipuffers who want some handspun in their blankets. So far, though, I only have three samples done:

Left: Storied Yarns BFL/Firestar in "Lady Chatterley." Middle: Masham top from BohoKnitterChic Spins. Right: Berry Gelato batt from Zauberzeug.

Anyway, that's about it from here. The Hunger Games KAL/SAL kits will be going out very soon, so follow along with us in the Ravelry thread and cheer on the Tributes as they compete to have the best yarn or FO!

Happy Friday! Head on over to Andrea's blog and have a visit, will you?


  1. Nice! Lots of great fiber activity this week and the batts are fabulous looking!

  2. Oooo, I'm in love with that second batt.

    I was thinking a little about my fiber stash yesterday... not entirely sure there's enough of it to support the entire Tour de Fleece. Hmmmm.

  3. Very nice batts and congrat on your first socks....their looking great.

  4. ooh I like silky shiny sparkly very much thank you

  5. I know what you mean about not wanting to give up your batts...I always have to make a couple of extras to keep for myself. I can't believe that we are already talking TdF. I plan to have the Team of Wonder in full force again. I finally finished reading the Hunger Games series. LOVE IT!

  6. I love the shiny fiber! Your Summer Lace Top is looking very nice. Looking forward to seeing the finished project for sure.

  7. Definitely love the shiny fiber... the other is cool. So your first sock ever is toe up, huh? Any tips? I can't wrap my head around toe up, but don't like cuff down. I'm stuck. :)

  8. I love the hot pink flashes in that sock!

  9. Your sock is looking fab, I love handknit socks! Loving the shiny fibre, when I get better at spinning I'll definitely be looking at your shop!

  10. Those are my mini skeins ;) it took the orange and blue to make 1 hexipuff. Hexipuff is really big though even on size three needles. I'm keeping it though. I'll stuff it in there :)
