
Thursday, March 22, 2012

I'm Still Here!

Eek! I haven't posted on here in 20 days, that's far too long!

I've been working on various things, but most of them are pretty secret so I can't really post details yet. However, I have done a few things I can write about!

I made some skirts out of t-shirts for my daughter. She wanted skirts for her new spring/summer wardrobe so I figured this was a cheap and easy solution. I basically followed this tutorial, using boys' t-shirts that were a few sizes larger than what she would wear as a top.

And voila! Skirts!

Here she is modeling the third one, which is black:

The black one turned out a little long, but I figure that will be nice because she can grow into them a little bit more this way. I love it when I can make her clothing last more than one season!

Now I want to go thrifting so I can find T-shirts to use in making some of these for myself!!

I'm also contributing to the Phat Fiber boxes in April. The theme is Tea Party so I'm sending in the following colorways on superwash sock yarn:

I'll be working to fully stock the shop with Downton Abbey colorways in April. I'm also going to be hosting a Downton Abbey SAL/KAL, so check back soon!

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