
Monday, April 30, 2012


Hi there!

Sorry I've been so MIA lately! I haven't had much in the way of time or material to post, unfortunately! Things have been very busy here but there isn't much in the way of photographing. :)

I'm currently dyeing and carding up a storm for the Downton Abbey themed KAL/SAL going on in the Storied Yarns Ravelry group. It's too late to sign up for it now, but you can still watch the fun and cheer on the participants! Just visit this thread.

Here's a little preview of what I've been doing for the SAL/KAL so far:

I'm also working diligently on custom orders. They're really piling up this week, which makes me feel grateful, excited and somewhat panicky all at once, HA! If you have a custom order request with me, just know that I will work as hard as I can to get it filled for you. I'm pushing myself to finish the SAL/KAL right now and then when that's done I will hit that customs list with a vengeance! :)

Along the lines of custom orders, I've been feeling a little extra stress lately about custom mini skeins. To be honest, I have a love/hate relationship going with those tiny little skeins! On the one hand, they're adorable and fun. They bring me a lot of new business and my customers' orders inspire me to come up with really neat colorway themes. On the other hand, it's very tedious to wind and dye all those tiny little skeins, and the extra time and effort slows down my progress on regular shop updates as well.

In order to address this problem, I've got exciting new plans for mini skeins! From now on I will only dye up two theme sets of mini skeins each month. I will announce the themes in advance and put up pre-order listings. I will have a limited number of mini sets for each theme, and once they're gone then that's it until the following month. I won't be taking custom order requests for minis any more, but I am taking suggestions from customers which I will use to determine future mini skein set themes. There will be a surprise bonus each month for anyone who pre-orders their minis instead of waiting for me to list the extras in the shop, too! I think this will be a fun way to manage my own stress and bring exciting new mini sets to the Storied Yarns Shop for all your scrappy project needs. Read all about it in this thread in my Ravelry group!

Ok, well, I think that's it for now! I hope to be back later this week with a shop update and some more photos from the Downton-Along!

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