
Monday, May 28, 2012

Spinning and Skeining and Swatching, Oh My!

Oy, vey, what a month! May is almost over and I'm racing against myself to meet some self-imposed deadlines this week. I have been under so much pressure (again, entirely self-inflicted) that I literally gave myself HIVES from the stress, yikes!

I've been skeining mini yarns like a madwoman in preparation for sending out the shipments for my first installment of the Mini Skein Mania club this week. I WILL ship those packages on Thursday, come Hell or High Water, I tell you!

Skeinskeinskeinskeinskein. Windwindwindwindwind. Labellabellabellabellabel.

Anyway, if you still want one, I have just a few listings left for Disney Princess/Fairy and Percy Jackson themed mini skeins! With each purchase you get 10 mini skeins in 10 unique colorways along with an extra bonus surprise for pre-order customers ONLY! I will list the leftovers in my shop by the end of the week, but no extra bonuses will go out with those purchases. ;)

What a little preview? Here's a bowl full of fairies and princesses for you ...

Hahaha, I'm such a tease! I'm sorry, I can't help it - I promised the club members that I wouldn't post any overt spoilers until the packages go out. I WILL tell you that I'm seriously in love with several of these colorways, and they will all be available as regular shop colorways starting in June, huzzah!

In all the chaos I've taken at least a little time to enjoy myself! I attended the Middle TN Fiber Festival with my daughter this weekend, and picked up some lovely new fibers for myself. I have also done a little spinning - here's a skein of 470-some odd yards of lace/fingering weight singles spun entirely from Star Bright Nylon fiber:

Star Bright Nylon is a kind of sparkly nylon fiber similar to the faux cashmere and other faux fibers you find in batts. This has a feeling similar to pantyhose, actually, but it's super smooth and soft to spin. I have no idea how the resulting yarn will perform, knit-wise, but I just really wanted to spin some of this stuff all by itself. :)

I'm also designing like crazy. I love it when I get bitten by the inspiration bug, but sometimes I have a hard time focusing, ha! I'm going to need some test knitters, so shoot me a message if you're interested! All the patterns I'm currently designing are for handspun, so it's my preference that you KNIT them in handspun as well, but if that's not an option then commercial yarns are okay, too. I just want to be sure the patterns make sense to anyone but me, HA!

Anyway, that's all from here. Thanks for hanging in there and reading along even through my long absences. Hopefully I'll have time to post more in the near future, and I promise to share some VERY exciting news in the next few months!! ;)


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