
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Stitch a Story ... Together

If you're a regular reader of this blog, then you've already heard me say that I believe you tell a story through your handmade crafts. That's why I create colorways inspired by all of the stories we love - those colorways bring added depth to the stories you create. Now, I'm offering you an opportunity to stitch a story together with your fiber-loving friends, AND receive a discount!

Big, exciting things are happening this year at Storied Yarns Central. One of those things is that I'm now happy to introduce Group Package Deals! Basically, all you have to do is grab a group of friends and place a Storied Yarns order together and I'll let you cash in on some great savings!

Who qualifies for these group discounts, you ask? Any group of people who love to knit, crochet, spin, and weave! Whether you've got a regular Knit Night, a Stitch n' Bitch, a Ravelry group or a Fiber Arts Guild, you can get in on this awesome deal. You just need a minimum of five people to get you started.

There are two main options to explore:
  1. Themed Packages: Choose this option if you want to have a collaborative yarn or fiber experience. You choose the theme and I create the colorways. Everyone receives their choice of yarn or fiber in one colorway or a collection of colorways inspired by your theme. You can choose any theme you like that has to do with books, movies or television; possibilities include Classic Literature, Famous Female Characters, Saturday Morning Cartoons and much more! I will send out your packages, along with an extra special surprise in each one, and they will all coordinate together so you can enjoy talking about the theme as you knit and spin. This option also works well if you all want to knit or spin one particular fiber type in the colors of your choosing, or if everyone in your group wants to knit or spin one colorway on multiple bases.
  2. Co-Op Orders: This type of package works well if you want to order as a group and save money but you don’t have one specific theme in mind. In this case each member of the group will place an order with me for any yarn or fiber that they like, and they will save money simply by ordering as a group rather than placing orders individually through my shop.  

The Discount:

You get access to some special group savings through this option, of course! Here's how that goes -
  • If your group has 5 people, you get 10% off my regular shop prices on everything in your order.
  • If your group has 6 to 10 people, save 15%.
  • For 11 or more people, save 20%
 How it Works: 
  • I will need ONE group leader or coordinator. That person will contact me with a request for more information and a basic idea of the type of package you would like to get. I will provide all the necessary information to that person. (Psst - that person also gets FREE yarn or fiber for doing the job!)
  • The group leader will send me a list of everyone in the group who wants to participate along with their PayPal e-mail addresses and their order requests. (Note: If you have a Ravelry group we can probably do this step in one of your discussion threads if you prefer.) Members can order in-stock items or custom orders; may be subject to availability.
  • I will send individual PayPal invoices to each group member. Everyone pays for his or her own order and his or her own shipping.
  • I will order supplies and dye/card/spin/whatever once I receive all orders and payments. I will work as fast as I can to fill the order and ship them all at one time.

A couple of things to consider:
  • I cannot take on too many group orders at once or I might not be able to fill them in a timely fashion. Therefore, you should try to give me as much notice as you can before you want your order so I can put you on the waiting list, if need be.
  • I will communicate with you as I complete the steps of your order so everyone will know their order status.
  • Order items may be subject to what is in stock or what I can easily order; not all of my bases are 100% available all the time, especially with yarn bases, but I will do my best to fill everyone's order as fully as I can.
 I don't want to take up too much space here making you read allllll of my ideas, but suffice it to say I have a lot of ideas for how to make this a really fun event for your fiber-loving group. 

Please send me a message on Ravelry (I'm Jessecreations there) or e-mail me at StoriedYarns [AT] Yahoo [DOT] Com if you want more information on these packages!  

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